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LB 22: Change parenting plan provisions related to the Parenting Act

As introduced: The Legislature finds that maximized parenting time with each parent protects children from harm to the father—child relationship and from harm due to parents’ conflicts, and, absent of evidence to the contrary, it is in a child’s best interest to have substantial, frequent, meaningful, and continuing parenting time…...

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LB 22: Change Parenting Act provisions (Joint Legal and parenting time emphasis)

As introduced: LB22 was introduced to change provisions of the Parenting Act relating to findings and parenting plans. LB22 specifically declares that the Legislature recognizes that the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children is perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests. LB22 further…...

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Neutral Testimony on LB22 & LB212: Modifications to the Parenting Act

Yesterday, Voices for Children testified on LB 22 & LB 212 in a neutral capacity.  Supporting equal parenting time in cases of divorce is important, yet we have concerns over some possible unintended consequences these bills may have.  Here is the written testimony we presented to the Judiciary committee:...

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