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Is Nebraska the next “Comeback State”?

Last week, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new report on the promising juvenile justice trends in a number of states. These nine comeback states  have successfully reversed earlier trends and significantly reduced youth incarceration, all while maintaining public safety....

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Juvenile incarceration and race

At Voices for Children, we have begun a journey to investigate race and equity issues in Nebraska and how we can better tell the story of ALL Nebraska kids.  In order to do that, we need to take a look at some data and break it down by race.  Doing this breakdown…...

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Time for a change: Locking youth up in Nebraska

In Nebraska we pride ourselves on having built the good life for our kids and families. Nebraskans can be proud of having made wise investments that have helped our state, children, and families weather recent tough times better than most. Unfortunately, when it comes to juvenile justice, we have a…...

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