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Cutting Our Future: Medicaid Provider Rates

Medicaid is an important lifeline for kids whose families would otherwise be unable to afford health insurance.  Having health insurance, especially when kids are young, is a critical component of ensuring healthy development.  In 2010, 69% of all Medicaid participants in Nebraska were kids. But having health insurance alone isn’t…...

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Who’s uninsured in Nebraska?

We know that health insurance is linked to all sorts of improved outcomes for kids. Certainly, health insurance is important when accidents happen, like that broken arm from falling off the monkey bars. But health insurance also helps keep kids from getting sick, whether through immunizations or by getting treatment…...

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More children losing health insurance

It’s slightly nerdy to be saying this, but here in the Voices for Children research department, we’ve been looking forward to today’s release of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) for awhile now. Today isn’t just a great excuse to make some charts and graphs, though. It’s also…...

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Principles for Health Care Exchanges

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) encourages states to establish new marketplaces, called “Exchanges,” that are meant to serve as a place where individuals and businesses can shop for coverage with the help of easy-to-understand information on all their options.  The Exchange will facilitate access to tax credits or Medicaid coverage that will…...

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