As introduced: LR 31 is intended to allow the Children’s Behavioral Health Oversight Committee (also known as the LB 603 Committee) to continue its work until the beginning of the 103rd Legislature, Second Session. The committee was created as a special legislative committee in 2009 with the enactment of LB 603, which also created programs to assist families and children in need of behavioral health services. The committee provided oversight of those programs. Section 11 of LB 603 terminated the committee December 31, 2012. In the meantime, the Nebraska Children’s Commission, created with the enactment of LB 821 in 2012, began its work, which includes creating a strategic plan for child welfare programs, including the relationship with behavioral health and juvenile justice, and reviewing the Department of Health and Human Services’ child welfare operations. LR 31 would allow the LB 603 Committee to continue its progress on children’s behavioral health and allow for an orderly transition of its oversight to the Children’s Commission.
Introducing Senator(s): Campbell
Committee: Executive Board
Committee Hearing Date: February 7, 2013
Current Status: *President/ Speaker signed: February 14, 2013
Estimated Fiscal Impact: N/A
Voices for Children’s Position: Support
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