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Violence at home has a negative impact on kids

Most people would agree that witnessing violent actions committed on (or by) trusted adults can negatively impact a child’s development. What most people do not know is that violent physical outbursts are but one facet of Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence.  According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, Intimate Partner Violence…...

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Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl

The custody battle for “Baby Veronica” has been discussed and debated around dinner tables across the country, but “Baby Veronica” isn’t a celebrity—at least not in the strictest sense—after all, she is not a singer/actress/athlete, nor is she the daughter of a singer/actor/athlete.   “Baby Veronica” is the 3-year-old biological daughter…...

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Is Nebraska the next “Comeback State”?

Last week, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Texas Public Policy Foundation released a new report on the promising juvenile justice trends in a number of states. These nine comeback states  have successfully reversed earlier trends and significantly reduced youth incarceration, all while maintaining public safety....

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Meet FERPA, the HIPAA of education records

Child welfare agencies across the country are responsible for the well-being of more than half a million children. Unfortunately, children and youth in foster care are the most educationally at-risk of all student populations. Due placement interruptions and the school transfers that tend to follow, only about 54% of foster…...

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LB 380: Provide for adoption by two adult persons jointly

As introduced: Any child may now be adopted by any adult person or by two people jointly, regardless of their marital status.  Any parent of a child may consent to the adoption of that child by the parent’s spouse or by another adult who will share the parental responsibilities for…...

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LB 385: Foster Care Fairness Act

As introduced: When determining the suitability of placement, family participation and/or issuing a foster care license, the Department of Health and Human Services will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, identity, disability, marital status, or national origin.  Instead, all placement decisions will be based…...

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LB 389: Provide an income tax credit for adoption and guardianship costs

As introduced: All individuals are allowed a credit against the income tax imposed by the NE Revenue Act of 1967 for taxable years beginning January 1, 2013, there shall be a refundable credit for adoption and guardianship costs in the amount equal to 50% of the qualified costs paid or…...

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LB 503: Implementing an Alternative Response Pilot Project to a report of child abuse or neglect

As introduced: Defines alternative response as a comprehensive assessment of the risk of subsequent abuse or neglect, family strengths and needs, and the provision of a referral for necessary services and does not include an investigation or formal determination as to whether child abuse or neglect has occurred. Investigation was…...

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LB 216: Extending Supports and Services for State Wards (to 21 years old)

As introduced: Eligible former foster youth can voluntarily elect to extend case management and other services (including Medicaid, housing assistance and educational assistance) though DHHS.  Under the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, Title IV-E eligibility can be extended until a former foster youth reaches…...

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LB 265: Increasing and Improving Kinship Care in Nebraska

As introduced: Broadens the allowable placement of children involved in the child welfare system by permitting DHHS or another child placing agency by redefining the definition of foster homes. Kinship home are defined as homes where the caretaker has lived with the child(ren) in care or has had a significant…...

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