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2017 Kids Count in Nebraska Report

Today, we are excited to debut the 2017 Kids Count in Nebraska Report! Kids Count continues to be the most comprehensive source of data on the well-being of children in Nebraska and covers data in population, health, education, economic stability, child welfare, and juvenile justice and contains Voices for Children’s Index of Race and Opportunity for Nebraska Children, 31 county-level indicators, and our commentary on children with disabilities. All the data contained in the hard copy of the 2017 Kids Count in Nebraska Report  is also contained on our Kids Count NEteractive data site, but in a searchable, easy to navigate tool optimized for use on the go. Kids Count is now accessible wherever you go without bringing along the full 120 page report. Over the next few weeks we will dive further into the commentary and some data highlights in the report here on the blog. Thank you for reading and we hope that Kids Count continues to be helpful on the journey to ensure all Nebraska kids have the opportunity to lead the happy and healthy life they deserve.

If you would like to know more about Kids Count or would like to schedule a presentation for you community group, please don’t hesitate to contact Chrissy: ctonkinson@voicesforchildren.com

Kids Count NEteractive

2017 Kids Count in Nebraska Report

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